Elevate Your Inner Game: Positive Self-Talk To Crush It Every Day with Ross Harvey

On this transformative journey into the heart of wellbeing, we’ll explore the magical realm of self-talk and its profound influence on our self-confidence and performance. Imagine embarking on a path where your words become your greatest allies, uplifting and guiding you towards your highest potential. 

With interactive examples, we’ll dive deep into understanding the essence of our inner dialogue, and I’ll share my cherished strategies for nurturing a positive conversational relationship with ourselves. Discover a revolutionary technique to gently silence the whispers of your subconscious, clearing the way for clarity and enlightened decision-making. This powerful tool will become your beacon, illuminating your journey with calmness and precision. 

As we unfold the layers of our learnings, we’ll discuss practical ways  to weave these golden threads into the fabric of our every day lives, transforming routine moments into opportunities for growth and positivity.

Ross Harvey is the founder of Keep It Real Coaching (Insta: @kircoaching), and is a distinguished Human Potential Coach, dedicated to fostering high performance and wellbeing across all walks of life. 

Drawing on over two decades of experience as a performing artist, Ross combines this unique perspective with proven,  evidence-based coaching techniques to empower individuals beyond the music scene. 

As a certified International Coaching Federation (ICF) Coach and Mental Health First Aider, he champions personal growth with empathetic support, making him a respected figure in high-performance coaching and mental health advocacy. 

Ross’s interactive workshops are designed to inspire and provide practical tools for enhancing self-talk, building mental resilience, and living with purpose and clarity. 

His approach is universal, emphasising that the strategies for amplifying self-belief are relevant and transformative for everyone, regardless of their background. 

Experience a shift in how you perceive and talk to yourself by joining Ross at Good Vibrations Society with “Elevate Your Inner Game:Positive Self-Talk to Crush It Every Day.

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